PRE-ORDER :: 9 Types of Rest


Rest is not linear. We often think if we just get more sleep or take more days off, we find relief, only to wake up or return to our normal still feeling fatigued. In this workshop, Danielle addresses at least nine ways we are all fatigued, and over-stimulated and provides at least 9 actionable and specific forms of rest that may lead to rejuvenation, deeper focus, and reclaiming our joy. 

This workbook’s Key Take-Aways:

  • Developing a vocabulary of your needs, and what is necessary to create a you-centered environment

    Recognizing and empathizing with the warning signs of exhaustion and burnout

    Integrative strategies for your recovery and boost in intellectual, emotional, and physical wellness and decision-making clarity

If you:

  • struggle to rest,

  • feel tired even upon waking,

  • experience aches, exhaustion and general fatigue in your body

  • experience frequent anxiety, irritation, depression or

  • feel no feelings at all

This workbook is an invitation to move through different rest practices and curate a rest plan that is centered on resting your body, renewing your energy, and allowing you to just be.

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